When you hear lab-created, you are probably thinking chemicals, high grade equipment, beakers and modern technology, you’re not wrong. Lab-created diamonds are diamonds created in laboratories under the same conditions as a natural diamond. They form with the exact chemical and structural properties of the natural diamonds found in the earth's crust.
The naturally formed gemstones we know as Diamonds are created when carbon atoms interact with intense heat and a lot of pressure over millions of years in the earth's crust. Lab-grown diamonds are created the exact same way in laboratories except they take weeks to form rather than millions of years.

“Are lab-created diamonds real?” Is the most asked question in the history of lab-created diamonds. It has been one major concern in the gemstone space and we would like to provide an answer. Lab-created diamonds are real! They are as real as mined diamonds! Physically, optically and atomically lab-created diamonds are the same as mined diamonds. They can pass a diamond tester because they are also composed of pure crystallized carbon. Lab-created diamonds are not fake, neither are they simulants or imitations, they are in fact real diamonds! The only difference is that they are grown in labs.
"It isn't enough just looking for the quality in the products we buy.
We must ensure that there is quality in the lives of the people who make them".
- Orsola De Castro -
Lab created diamonds are not blasted with dynamite or scraped out of dirt so they have a high purity rating. The purity of a diamond determines how white, sparkly and bright it will be. Lab-created diamonds are among the most pure diamonds in the world today, their purity levels fiercely compete with that of the natural diamonds and very often they win.

As great as natural diamonds are, their extraction has been the cause of environmental problems, bloodshed, and violations of human rights in continents like Africa and countries like India.
All of the environmental, ethical and sustainability concerns you may have about diamonds are eliminated with lab-created diamonds.
Every year new technological innovations are being created, so the process of creating diamonds in the laboratory becomes even better. When natural diamonds are mined, diesel dynamites are used, the dynamite destroys the earth's crust, leaves holes, and releases chemicals into the atmosphere.
Lab-created diamonds are monitored thoroughly, and every creation process involves meticulous attention to detail.
No human right will ever be violated, and the environment will never be harmed in its creation process.
Lab-created diamonds allows you to wear your favourite gemstone without breaking the bank.
You can get the same size and cut of a natural diamond as a lab-created diamond for half the price.
You’re not losing out on quality because lab-created diamonds are pure, have the same composition, same structure, and same stunning look of a mined diamond. Lab created diamonds are also available in a wide range of colours at affordable prices.
Coloured natural diamonds are rare and extremely overpriced but coloured lab-created diamonds are readily available.
There’s actually no difference between natural diamonds and lab-created diamonds.
When put together side by side you will not be able to tell them apart by looking with your naked eyes or even a magnifier. Expert jewellers can’t tell the difference between the two and lab-created diamonds pass the diamond tester test.
Lab created diamonds are not blasted with dynamite or scraped out of dirt so they have a high purity rating. The purity of a diamond determines how white, sparkly and bright it will be. Lab-created diamonds are among the most pure diamonds in the world today, their purity levels fiercely compete with that of the natural diamonds and very often they win.